The calculation concerns solutions of pressure vessels and their components. The calculation solves deformations and curves of stress in rotational shells loaded with axial force, pressure, radial force and a bending moment. This program is intended for homogeneous shells of identical thickness and a single material. The calculation also enables solutions for connecting two shells of different parameters (thickness, material, dimensions...).
The program enables:
- Calculation of cylindrical, conical and spherical thin-wall shells
- Calculation of a cylindrical and spherical thick-wall shells
- Calculation of a round plate
- Selection of various loading methods (joint, force, moment, rotational, load with fluid...)
- Calculation of deformation, radial shift, moment and stress in any point
- Visualisation of charts with curves of the calculated values
The calculation uses the data, procedures, algorithms and information from the professional literature (Roark formulas, Machinery's Handbook 26th, Teorie desek a skořepin [doc. Ing. Ladislav Šubrt, CSc.] and others)