
MITCalc is a package of engineering, industrial and technical calculations for everyday use. It can lead you quickly, precisely and reliably through the design of a part, through the solution of a technical problem or calculation of an engineering junction without any special knowledge.

This packet includes designs and calculations, for example, of toothed, belt and chain transmissions, beams, shafts, springs, bolt connections, shaft couplings, etc. A series of material, comparative and decision tables is also available, including a system for management of resolved tasks.

Working environment, control.

The working environment is based on working procedures, which are natural with solving technical tasks. When entering the input values, defining marginal conditions and searching for an optimal solution, you can naturally scroll the sheet downwards. Straightforward and comprehensible controls with a complex help function and a system of "expert's notes" for a majority of entered and evaluated parameters guarantees your productivity within a few minutes.

Open system.

All the calculations are produced as MS Excel workbooks. This enables modifications, extension of calculations, setting of parameters and calculation coefficients without any special programming knowledge. A minimum knowledge of MS Excel is sufficient.
Furthermore, a simple interconnection of individual calculations or calculations using tables you created in Excel is possible. You can easily create a customer tailored solution even for complex entries.

Connection to CAD.

In the majority of calculations, support for a series of 2D CAD systems and some selected parametric 3D CAD systems is implemented. Pressing a button creates a 2D drawing or inserts a 3D model of a calculated part or sub-assembly into your CAD system.
Even in this field, the solution is not closed; this means that it is possible to create user connections to other CAD systems or extend the options and properties of the existing connections.

Help and documentation.

All calculations include a detailed documentation, which is focused, above all, on the technical issues and can help in a simply way with the solution and eliminate lengthy searching through standards and specialized publications.

We are sure that you will appreciate not only these but also other benefits contained in the designed solution and that our product will make your demanding profession of a designer, developer, technician or student much easier.

Your team of authors.
